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Telenisa Mendedahkan Dapatan Penting dalam Laporan Perkhidmatan Guaman Syariah 2023

Telenisa Unveils Key Insights in 2023 Syariah Legal Services Report

Covert Conversion of Minors: Breach of Ethical and Legal Boundaries

Malaysia’s Independent CSO Delegation Participated at the 88th CEDAW Review in Geneva: Demonstrating Strength in Diversity

Malaysia’s Commitment to CEDAW and Addressing Gender Discrimination Challenges

Stoning women the way forward for Malaysia?

Combatting Vigilantism: Protecting Malaysia’s Cultural Harmony Against Distorted Ideologies

Reimagining the Narrative: Upholding Equality for Malaysian Women

Federal Court’s Decision on Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code: A Victory for Constitutional Principles and Equality

Concrete Action Needed: Confronting Child Marriage Nationwide

SIS Stands in Solidarity with People of Palestine

Focus on Women’s Rights to Equality

Sisters in Islam (SIS) Expresses Disappointment Over Cancellation of Women’s Rights Event Amidst Regulatory Scrutiny.

Sisters in Islam Laments PAS’s Controversial Dress Code Obsession

Focus on Parents Not Mothers

Telenisa Menyambut 20 Tahun Berkhidmat kepada Wanita Muslim mendapatkan Hak Mereka dalam Keluarga 2003 – 2023

Telenisa Celebrates 20 Years of Serving Muslim Women on Their Rights in the Family 2003 – 2023

Solidarity for YB Amira Aisya!

Court of Appeal decision in SIS Fatwa Case

Assessing Malaysia’s Commitment to Gender Equality through the Report on Malaysia’s Progress and Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.1.1

Hentikan Obsesi Terhadap Pakaian Perempuan!

Enough of Policing Women’s Clothing!

Unilateral Conversion is a Violation of Human Rights

Let Women Work! Ban of Women Working in NGOs Endangers Afghan Women and Girls

Restore University Education Rights to Afghan Women

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