No. 4 Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.​

Letters to Editor

Should Malaysia have a law to punish Muslims who leave the religion? The Hudud Enactment in Kelantan already prescribes the...
Sisters in Islam views with concern the continuing attempt by the PAS Member of Parliament Tuan Haji Abdul Hadi Awang...
Sisters in Islam amat khuatir dengan percubaan yang berterusan oleh Ahli Parlimen dari PAS Tuan Haji Abdul Hadi Awang untuk...
Pandangan retrogresif Datuk Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat mengenai wanita, pekerjaan, dan keluarga telah menyebabkan kebimbangan di kalangan kami dalam...
Datuk Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat's retrogressive comments on women, work and the family are causing much concern to us...
Kontroversi baru-baru ini di sekitar penangkapan dan pendakwaan tiga peserta Muslim pertandingan ratu cantik Miss Malaysia Petite, telah mendorong Menteri...
The recent controversy surrounding the arrest and prosecution of the three Muslim contestants of the Miss Malaysia Petite beauty pageant,...
Peraturan baru diperkenalkan oleh Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS), (Utusan Malaysia 17-10-96), untuk membantu lelaki Islam mempercepatkan proses permohonan berpoligami...
Sisters in Islam welcomes the decision of the Selangor State government to tighten the procedure for polygamous marriages to ensure...
In reference to the letter from Dr Rahmah Hashim, the Head of the Women's Affairs Bureau of the Muslim Youth...
Merujuk kepada surat Dr. Rahmah Hashim, Ketua Biro Hal Ehwal Wanita, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (New Straits Times, 11 Mei...
Masalah pakaian wanita memang selalu merupakan perkara yang penting dalam perlaksanaan Syari'ah Islam, baik di negara ini mahupun di luar...
The question of dress for women is always paramount in any Islamisation programme both here and abroad. In fact, it...
Beberapa pendapat Menteri Besar Kelantan, Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat dalam temuramah khas beliau dengan Utusan Malaysia, 24 & 25...
Sisters in Islam welcomes the decision of the Selangor Shari'ah Appeal Court judgement in the case of Aishah Abdul Rauf...
Kami mengalu-alukan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah Selangor berhubung dengan kes Aishah Abdul Rauf lawan Wan Mohd Yusuf Wan Othman....