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SIS condemns Israeli attack on Humanitarian boats and calls for end to the Gaza Siege

SIS is shocked and saddened with the Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla on a humanitarian mission to Gaza. SIS condemns the attack on the humanitarian boats and calls for the immediate implementation of U.N resolution 1860 which calls for the unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian aid to Gaza’s more than 1.5 million people

SIS  also  urges the  consideration of  gender-responsive humanitarian actions must take into account the special needs of women and children. The continued siege has serious impact and poses a risk of malnutrition among children in Gaza.  In addition to this there have been reports of violence against women and children. As women are primary care givers in Palestinian families, and are responsible for the home, care for the children, the elderly and those in poor health, SIS is gravely concerned about the serious nature of the daily human rights violations that arise as a result of the siege in Gaza which has tremendous psychological impact, both on women and the children and families they care for.


1.        We call upon the UN Security Council to take urgent practical measures to end the crisis situation in the Gaza Strip and to ensure that women’s needs, voices and perspectives are integrated in the resolution of this situation in accordance    with    the    UN    Security    Council    Resolution 1325 and the commitments of the Beijing Platform Declaration for Action.

2.        We call upon the members of the international community in all arenas to urgently intervene to bring a halt to this siege on Gaza and to contribute in alleviating the humanitarian crisis.

3.        We call on the Israeli government to immediately end the siege in the Gaza Strip and we call on all governments with adjoining borders to Gaza to reopen border crossings in order to allow humanitarian goods to reach the civilian population.

4.        We call on Israel to allow the other vessels that form part of the Flotilla to be allowed to deliver aid into Gaza safely.

Sisters in Islam

3 June 2010